There is little question that happy people have a lower risk of illness and live longer. So, the real question becomes: Are people born with a happy disposition or can we will ourselves to be happier? Recent research provides an answer. Since 1938, the Harvard study on adult development collected data and health information on 724 men of varying social and economic strata. They found the happiest of these men were able to let go of past failures and toxic relationships, and were also able to stay socially connected. While most of our ability is based on our genes, researchers found that 40 percent of people’s happiness comes from the choices they make, like choosing to “let go” and “stay connected.”

Cedar Community offers independent living apartments and homes that allow you to “let go” of the burden of home ownership and enjoy a maintenance-free lifestyle. Don’t worry about shoveling your driveway or cutting your grass—we take care of it. Don’t worry about fixing that leaky faucet—we take care of it. Don’t worry about that refrigerator that just broke down—we take care of it. Delight in the fact that—we take care of it!

Take time for yourself. Isn’t that what retirement is all about? Savor the little things in life like visiting with a friend, enjoying a current hobby or learning a new one, joining a club or simply relaxing. Opportunity awaits for those who want to be involved in as much or a little as they want. Don’t feel like cooking? Top of the Ridge offers a variety of menu choices and special events to tempt your taste buds.

Stay connected at Cedar Community. We offer an engaged living community with many opportunities for residents to enjoy, explore, and embrace their best life including a “neighborhood” of your peers! Cedar Community offers many options for social interaction and wellbeing including a state-of-the-art fitness center, exercise classes including yoga, scenic walking trails and prairie, gardening, book clubs, educational classes, spiritual gatherings, musical opportunities, trips, and so much more!

Find your happiness.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.”

Mahatma Gandhi.