Viewpoint, the esteemed educational program hosted by renowned actor Dennis Quaid, is proud to announce a collaboration with Cedar Community for an upcoming episode that will shed light on the evolving journey of aging. Set to air later in 2024, the segment will feature members of the Cedar Community leadership team and will offer insights into how active living, engaging activities, and modern amenities can be combined with a full spectrum of care services to provide older adults with the best possible options as they age.

As society continues to redefine aging and retirement living, Viewpoint remains committed to exploring innovative approaches that empower older adults and promote their wellbeing. Through its partnership with Cedar Community, a leading provider of senior living and care services, the program aims to highlight the importance of embracing active lifestyles and modern amenities in creating vibrant communities for older adults.

Cedar Community is committed to redefining aging by offering a range of lifestyle options and care services designed to support older adults at every stage of their journey. From active, independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing, the community provides personalized care and support tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each resident.

“Cedar Community has been an innovator in aging services since our founding more than 70 years ago,” states Cedar Community President and CEO Nicole Pretre. “Today, we continue to be focused on not only providing exceptional care and services, but we are also prioritizing the rising expectations of today’s older adults and the active and fully engaged lifestyles they desire. Cedar Community is invested in creating beautiful living spaces and sustainable environments that are welcoming to all; providing opportunities to nurture curiosity and support lifelong learning; and cultivating purposeful living for seniors who desire the ability to live out one’s personal beliefs and values in harmony with others.”

During the episode, viewers can expect to hear from core Cedar Community team members as they discuss the innovative programs, activities, and amenities available to residents. From fitness classes and cultural outings, to modern dining options and artisan spaces, Cedar Community will showcase how it is creating dynamic living environments that promote health, happiness, and purposeful living for older adults.

“We are incredibly honored by this opportunity to partner with ViewPoint with Dennis Quaid,” stated Cedar Community Chief Administrative Officer Sarah Malchow. “Cedar Community has been called a well-kept secret in our region for many years. So, to have a national and esteemed platform on which to share more about our nonprofit and innovative story is an amazing blessing. We wrapped up filming in West Bend recently and are eager to see and share the final product on our local PBS affiliates. Stay tuned!”